Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s & Bringing Saltmere to Life

It’s happening. The book is in its final stages of editing, and I’m deep in the process of making sure every T is crossed and every I is dotted. It’s funny how, after months of writing, reworking, and reshuffling, this part—the fine-tuning, the nitpicking, the endless re-reads—feels just as intense as the very first page. But here we are, so close to the finish line.

And honestly? The timing couldn’t be better. I’m in the southeast of England right now, and let’s just say winter is very much wintering. The cold has basically given me no choice but to stay wrapped up, warm drink in hand, reading and rereading these chapters until they feel airtight. Which, to be fair, isn’t the worst way to spend these early months of the year.

Botany Bay, Broadstairs - a cold February morning

It’s wild how these characters have become part of my daily life. Lucy, Alex… I know them better than some real people at this point. Their voices, their quirks, their messy, wonderful, complicated ways of being—it’s all so real to me now. And this last push?

It feels like standing at the top of a steep hill, just before the moment you let go and run full-speed down. That mix of exhilaration and nerves, knowing there’s no turning back.

So, here’s to the final stretch. To making every line count. To reading, tweaking, and reading again—until I know in my gut that it’s ready. Almost there!

Until next time x

The release date is in sight, and this story is ready to set the pages on fire. A hot, electric, lesbian romance that’s been burning with desire from the very first word—get ready, it’s almost here!

Jamie Loghan

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Jamie Loghan

Jamie Loghan is a writer of sapphic romance, crafting stories that celebrate love in all its messy, complicated & beautiful forms!

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